44th Annual Student Recognition Lunch

On Tuesday, June 6th at the Cedar Hill Golf Course the Kiwanis Club of Victoria hosted its 44th Annual Student Recognition lunch. The lunch was started in 1974 by current member Ray Goldsworthy. Ray hosted the luncheon for 31 years before being taken over by the current host Past President Paul DeGagne.
We were joined by 42 students from Victoria High Schools to celebrate their contributions to their school, local and global communities. Students represented Vic High, Spectrum, Reynolds, Oak Bay, Lambrick Park and Esquimalt.
The Principal or Vice-Principal from each school shared a short, but impressive bio on each student. In addition to their dedication to the Fine Arts to Academics and Sports, these students also find time to lead in their schools. One adult noted he felt better about the future knowing these students would be there to run things. One student from each school was chosen to speak about their own experiences with leadership, service and their school.
I cannot pick and choose a favourite so I am going to blend them together. I would say the overwhelming theme was to "say yes to opportunities" to work hard and make your own way. They talked about the need for leadership, with kindness and how giving back to their communities often helped them find a "family". We heard about how they all applied Reynolds's philosophy of Respect, Reliability and Relationships. The last speaker chose to talk, not about future plans or grades, but about strength of character. Something she said resonated with me and forgive me as I paraphrase ......Your plans may change in the future, but your character will not ... and that's a good thing from what I have heard today.
The students at this lunch always impress me and this group didn't let me down.